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About US

Few words about us...

Zhingk is a licensed cleaning, maintenance, and repair service company. We offer a wide range of services for residential and commercial clients. Our services cover cleaning, sanitization, disinfection, pest control, handyman work, painting, electrical repairs, plumbing repairs, home appliances repair and many other types of services throughout Assam. A team of background-verified, technically trained experts is at the core of Zhingk. Our team uses advanced technologies and scientific methodologies for thorough cleaning. Bookings can be made online or in-person at our office.


Trained Professionals


Delighted Customers




Dreams 🙂

What we do?
At Zhingk, We provide you with the best services for almost all home and office cleaning and maintenance and repair needs. Whether you need an emergency cleaning service, appliance repair, or disinfection, electrical work, or plumbing, our goal is to reduce the time spent and ensure that you get the best service you deserve.
Why we do it?
Zhingk was founded so that residents or office clients could find household service companies that meet their needs hassle free. We aspire to be pioneers in cleaning, maintenance and repair services by setting new standards.

This Is What People
Talk About Us

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